A comprehensive set of turnkey infrastructure integrations

Including dozens of AWS and Azure services, web, database, network, containers, orchestrations like Docker and Kubernetes, and more.


Complete visibility into the health and performance of applications and their underlying infrastructure

Quickly pinpoint the root cause of performance issues across the stack, down to a poor-performing line of code


Custom metrics and analytics

Analyze custom infrastructure, application, and business metrics

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Powerful API that makes it easy to collect and create any custom metric

Achieve ultimate visibility and enhanced troubleshooting with synthetic and real user monitoring


Free APM Software

Catch bugs early on, and gain full visibility and insights into the applications you’re developing

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Free, full-function APM tool for testing and troubleshooting application performance before moving into production

Dev Edition includes five traces per minute, 100 metrics, three hosts, and six containers


Log Management and Analytics powered by SolarWinds Loggly

Integrated, cost-effective, hosted, and scalable full-stack, multi-source log management

View Log Management and Analytics Info
Collect, search, and analyze log data in addition to your metrics and traces to quickly pinpoint application performance problems

Reduce mean time to resolution (MTTR) by quickly jumping from a trace or host view into the relevant logs to accelerate troubleshooting


Digital Experience Monitoring Powered by SolarWinds Pingdom

Make your websites faster and more reliable with easy-to-use web performance and digital experience monitoring

View Digital Experience Monitoring Info
Add client-side web application performance monitoring. Provide maximum observability by adding the user’s perspective.

Achieve ultimate visibility and enhanced troubleshooting with synthetic and real user monitoring


New Integration Between AppOptics, Loggly, and Papertrail

Today we are pleased to announce we have brought SolarWinds® AppOptics application performance monitoring (APM) even closer together with our SaaS-based log management products—SolarWinds Loggly® and SolarWinds Papertrail. It just takes one click of a button to automatically drill down from an AppOptics trace into the group of log events associated with that trace in Loggly or Papertrail. Now you can quickly move from service-level metrics, down to a trace, and then down to the logs specific to that trace, further reducing the time to troubleshoot application performance problems.

The integrations leverage the new, recently announced shared SolarWinds Snap Agent. AppOptics libraries use auto-instrumentation and context propagation through HTTP headers. This means if your application is in Go, Java, Node.js, PHP, or Ruby, there is no instrumentation needed. You can leverage context tracking of logs out-of-the-box from a trace view in AppOptics, which allows you to explore latency and span counts.

Why is this important? It can be hard to track the root cause of a problem from distributed systems’ logs due to the lack of connection between logs. One way people solve this today is by using distributed tracing. Distributed tracing on its own is impressive, but adding a simple, single click, to drill down directly from that trace into the associated logs for that request is game-changing. By using distributed tracing to generate and propagate context (i.e., trace IDs) throughout the lifetime of requests and then annotating this context on associated log lines, we create logs with distributed context. These context-rich logs in Loggly and Papertrail allow users to isolate individual requests across all systems for better diagnostics.

Below are two examples of grouped log events as a result of clicking on the “Search Logs” button on an AppOptics trace.

This first example is showing the grouped logs in Loggly associated with the above trace. 

This second example is from the same AppOptics trace into Papertrail.

Usually, when you are troubleshooting an issue like this, the exception or error provided by the trace may be all you have to work with, and you are forced to guess which log messages relate to it. With the AppOptics log integration, you now have all the logs associated with that one request.

To learn more about the new trace context in logs integration and the SolarWinds APM products, visit the SolarWinds AppOptics, SolarWinds Loggly, and SolarWinds Papertrail websites. Take AppOptics out for a spin—try it for free for 14 days.

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